Thank You!


(For believing in the project and gifting unneeded fabric remnants)


Mary Katranzou

Peter Pilotto


Simone Rocha


The Dangerfields 


Art Partner (for placing the first order)

Barney Curran (for the photographs)

Beverly Hill (being the incredible connector that she is)

Caroline Lynch (for helping to find the right words)

Ezra Petronio (for logo and layout design)

Giovanni Testino (for believing in the idea)

Hana Murdaa (for her sewing skills)

Honor Dangerfield (for moral support)

Joana Caetano (for logistical support)

Shahad Murdaa (for her translations and her general fantastic enthusiasm)

Daniel Narey (strategic consultancy - and focus!!)

Sabrina Scott (website design)

Anthony Cotstifas (for the beautiful More or Less photos)